Collectors Extraordinary General Meeting was held held on February 17, 2020 in Gothenburg. The EGM resolved in accordance with the Board's proposal regarding authorization for the Board to resolve on a new issue of ordinary shares with preferential rights for the existing shareholders (the "Rights Issue"). The net proceeds from the Rights Issue will be used to strengthen the company’s capital base.

By making use of the authorization, the Board shall have the right to execute the Rights Issue with total proceeds of approximately SEK 1,000m.

The Board will resolve upon and make public the terms for the Rights Issue on or around 25 February 2020, including the amount by which the share capital of Collector will increase, the number of shares to be issued, the subscription price for the new shares, the record date for participation in the Rights Issue and the subscription period.

Collector has obtained subscription and guarantee undertakings corresponding to 100 percent of the Rights Issue.




Minutes Extra General Meeting
Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting




Collector AB's AGM 2019
Collector AB's AGM 2018
Collector AB's AGM 2017
Collector AB's AGM 2016