Collector's annual general meeting was held on 25 April 2017 at Västsvenska Handelskammaren in Gothenburg.

Adoption of balance sheet and income statement

The Annual General Meeting adopted the balance sheet and income statement for the Parent Company and the Group for the 2016 financial year.


Board of Directors and auditors

In accordance with the nomination committee's proposal, the meeting decided on the re-election of board members Lena Apler, Erik Selin, Christoffer Lundström, Cecilia Lager and Azita Shariaty. Vilhelm Schottenius had opted out of re-election. Patrik Reuterskiöld and Anna Settman were elected as new board members. Lena Apler was elected chairman of the board, although Erik Selin will take over as chairman of the board until a new managing director takes office and replaces Lena Apler in her role as acting managing director. For a more detailed presentation of the board members, please refer to the Company website. 

The meeting elected PricewaterhouseCoopers AB as auditor for the period up to next annual general meeting.

Furthermore, the meeting decided on a fixed board fee of SEK 600,000 for the chairman of the board and SEK 300,000 for the other members, and that members of the risk and audit committee and the credit committee, in addition to their board fee, should receive an additional fee of SEK 100,000 per committee. Furthermore, the meeting decided that the fee to the auditor shall be paid according to an approved bill.


Remuneration principles for senior executives

The meeting decided in accordance with the nomination committee's and the board's proposal that compensation for senior executives should consist of a fixed salary, pension and other benefits. In order to avoid senior executives being encouraged to take unhealthy risks, no variable compensation shall be paid.


Authorization for the Board to decide to issue new shares

The meeting decided on an authorization for the board to, until the next annual general meeting, on one or more occasions, with or without deviating from the shareholders' pre-emptive rights, against cash payment, property in kind or by set-off, decide on a new issue of ordinary shares. The number of shares that can be issued must total a maximum of 10,269,051 ordinary shares.


Decision on issue of employee convertibles

The meeting decided to establish a convertible program for the group's employees in Sweden, Finland and Norway. The convertible program means that Collector takes out a convertible debenture loan of a nominal maximum of SEK 100 million through the issue of convertibles. The convertible loan shall entail the possibility of exchange for ordinary shares in Collector. For the general meeting's decision in its entirety and the complete terms and conditions for the convertible program, please refer to the documents below.




Notice to attend the Annual General Meeting
Communiqué from Collector's Annual General Meeting on April 25, 2017
The Nomination Committee proposal
The Nomination Committee's motivated statement
Principles for appointing
The board's report regarding the results from the remuneration committee's evaluation of remuneration to senior executives and guidelines
The board's proposals for decisions
The auditor's opinion to the board




Minutes Annual General Meeting Collector AB, 2017-04-25 
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
Appendix 5




Collector AB's AGM 2016