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Quickly growing construction company focuses on sustainability

As a step in strengthening collaboration with companies focused on development, Norion Bank offers Corporate Accelerator. One participant in the popular training program is Simon Becker, CEO of the expansive company Malmqvist.

In recent years, Norion Bank has clarified its focus on financing solutions for medium-sized companies in the Nordic region. Through Corporate Accelerator, the bank offers four days of training for companies in the segment. 

– Most of the programs we’re invited to are intended for the construction or real estate sector, which means we tend to meet the same people. We chose to participate in Corporate Accelerator to meet new people and find inspiration and energy from another source. We liked the slightly different setup, with four theme days of interesting lectures, says Simon Becker, CEO of Malmqvist.

As experts in commercial premises and real estate, Malmqvist carries out all types of contracts. Their focus is on office spaces in Stockholm city, but the company has begun a journey to broaden its business, including through new framework agreements. Growth has been robust and sales have increased from SEK 100 million to SEK 270 million in recent years. 

– We haven’t hired more employees, but we’re working differently and we’ve gained market share. Since we only work with commercial properties, we haven’t been hit so hard by the recession, but going forward our challenge will be knowing which property owners want to invest and which ones are putting on the brakes. In ten years, I hope we’ll have sales of more than SEK 1 billion and work in more areas, such as installations and engineering.

Simon Becker, who has previously worked as a site manager and construction engineer for larger companies, describes how the cohesion among the 17 employees at Malmqvist has been essential to the company’s progress. 

– Our community is fundamental to the success of our projects. There is a great deal of respect and humility among the employees, and we’re passionate about delivering excellence. All employees start at the headquarters every day and then go out to different assignments. That means we begin the day together, which makes us a cohesive team that performs well.

Malmqvist has actively worked with sustainability for several years, for example by using recycled materials and converting one of its vehicle fleets from diesel to electric cars. The initiative has paid off and now, the company can meet customers’ increased demands for sustainability.