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At the Norion Bank Arena, Good To Great Tennis Academy runs one of the world's leading tennis academies. For cofounder Nicklas Kulti, the goal is to develop tomorrow's tennis stars, and to offer a comprehensive concept in training, health and business.

When Nicklas Kulti started the Good To Great Tennis Academy together with Magnus Norman and Mikael Tillström, the goal was clear – to take Swedish tennis back to the top. The three former tennis pros saw a need to train and think differently.

– Swedish sports are built around club activities, and we realized early on that the ability to pay in that category wouldn’t be enough to sustain the company. Instead, we created a solid platform in sponsorship and business activities, arranged events, and thus managed to create the best conditions for talented tennis players in Sweden, says Nicklas Kulti.

Established in 2011, Good To Great is one of the world's leading tennis academies, but also offers amateur tennis and padel, mental training and sports injury treatment. The arena is also a meeting place for a dedicated business network. The vision is to create a Good To Great experience in everything from training and facilities to events and service. 

– When we founded our company, we had no venture capital, but a clear idea of what we wanted to create. I have a successful career behind me, but if I had it to do over, I would have done many things differently. Fortunately, today I can use my lessons to develop the tennis players of the future and our business, says Nicklas Kulti. 

Stan Wawrinka, previously ranked third in the world, is today coached by Magnus Norman, former tennis professional and one of the founders of Good to Great.

Nicklas Kulti describes the key to success for elite athletes as a combination of talent, environment and inner drive. At the Norion Bank Arena, the Academy offers world-class tennis courts, a gym and coaches. Players also have access to overnight accommodations and experts in fitness training, nutrition and mental training. 

– We have talented players and a great environment, which allows us to develop players who have the desire to win and the ability to submit to all the training that entails. Tennis is an expensive sport, and we want to invest in the players who have a chance to be good – not just the ones with a big wallet. Norion Bank is a good example of how we’re working together to help young people realize their dreams. Our sponsorships and business network create great opportunities for the future for everyone involved, says Nicklas Kulti. 

Good To Great's work also involves preparing young people for life off the tennis court and offering a holistic approach to exercise, health and well-being. The goal is take a long-term approach and create self-coached players, i.e., players who have everything they need to coach themselves. Among other things, the tennis academy advocates for combining the tennis program and academic studies and has developed an app that makes it easier to take a proactive approach to injury prevention. 

– We are extremely impressed by the work of Good To Great and very proud to be able to sponsor the organization. With energy and great commitment, they run an arena and an academy that make it possible for talented young tennis players to reach their full potential, says Martin Nossman, CEO, Norion Bank. 

Specializing in financing for medium-sized businesses and real estate companies in the Nordic region, Norion Bank aims to help companies grow and develop. The bank's driving force is to support companies to achieve their visions, thus contributing to a well-functioning and sustainable business community. Networking at the Norion Bank Arena opens up new meeting and business opportunities.

– Just as Good To Great helps young talent get ahead, Norion Bank helps companies that want to get to the next level. The bank also works with self-leadership, and health and well-being initiatives. We have a lot in common with Good To Great, and it is therefore an important and valued partnership. By being a committed and involved partner, we hope to create many opportunities together, says Martin Nossman.